Welcoming Committee/Greeters This group serves the Parish by welcoming and providing information to all those who come to Mass and other events.
To become a Greeter, email greeters@qofhchurch.org.
Ushers The Ushers assist at Liturgy both on weekends and Holy Days. Their ministry helps the orderly flow of the Congregation before, during, and after the Celebration of Liturgy. The Ushers are also responsible to assist in the weekly collection at Mass. Ushers are asked to arrive at Church at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled Mass time. There are guidelines that the Ushers use for their weekly ministry. Men & women over 18 are most welcome to assist in this Parish Ministry.
For more information, contact ushers@qofhchurch.org.
Altar Servers Students work with the Priest and others to make weekend and School Masses as reverent and focused as possible. They do this by performing their duties with dignity, reflecting the true presence of Christ at Mass.
Adult Altar Servers typically serve at Funeral Masses on weekdays.
Please contact altarserver@qofhchurch.org with questions.
Lectors This ministry strives to effectively bring the Word of God to our Parishioners. This group of people ministers the Word at weekly Masses. Lectors are scheduled approximately every 4-5 weeks, depending on Mass preference. Schedules are published regularly. Lectors are Confirmed, have an understanding of the Word of God and speak with a strong and clear reading voice.
Contact the Parish Rectory to arrange a meeting and introduction to the duties of a Lector.
To learn more about becoming a Lector, please contact lectors@qofhchurch.com.
Offertory Gifts All families of Queen of Heaven are invited to participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass by volunteering to present the Offertory Gifts.
Families may contact any Usher prior to the beginning of Mass to volunteer.
Contemporary Ensemble This group consists of Parishioners of all ages who enjoy working together to praise God through more contemporary style music. The Contemporary Ensemble can be regularly seen at the 9:30 am Sunday Mass and practices on Wednesday evenings. It is comprised of both those who sing and those who play musical instruments.
No auditions required. New members are ALWAYS welcome!
Have questions? Email kcapanyola60@gmail.com.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Extraordinary Ministers are those willing to serve the Parish in the ministry of distributing the Eucharist. Those interested are invited to attend a one-day workshop and upon completion is commissioned by the Bishop to assist the Celebrant in the distribution of the Holy Eucharist. Ministers are generally assigned to two Masses a month and schedules are distributed regularly. Those who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation are eligible. For questions, email eucharistministers@qofhchurch.org.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick and Shut-Ins This is a special group of Extraordinary Ministers that brings the Eucharist to those Parishioners who are unable to attend Mass due to illness or are otherwise incapacitated. There are teams of approximately 8 Ministers who visit homes about once every three weeks. There are no meetings, but schedules are sent out regularly. Ministers that are unable to make a scheduled visit must provide a substitute. They are also encouraged to provide a Parish Bulletin to the homes to make these Parishioners feel a part of our community.
Liturgy Committee This Committee consists of members including the Coordinators of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Lectors, and the Music Director, among others. It meets 5-6 times a year at the discretion of the Pastor, usually at the beginning of each Liturgical season. This Committee reviews what needs to be done for the season, as well as to evaluate and plan out our worship together as a Parish community. Anyone who may be interested in joining is welcome.
Church Decorating & Cleaning Committee The purpose of this Committee is to assist in keeping the Sanctuary and Church looking its best. With reverence and respect, this Committee works to keep the Sanctuary clean and during certain seasons of the year, assists in decorating to enhance the beauty of our Church. |
Teams of Our Lady A Team is a group of five married couples that have decided to join together to find support in their efforts to lead Gospel driven lives. The Team meets once a month, in each other's homes, for a simple meal and in a spirit of friendship, share their experiences of the previous month. After dinner, the Team reflects on Scripture and prays. Finally, they discuss study material on married life and faith.
Finance Committee
The Queen of Heaven Finance Committee works to ensure that Church funds are used in an appropriate manner that helps enhance the Parish Community. A specialized group of individuals are invited to sit on this Committee.
Buildings & Grounds Committee This specialized advisory committee makes recommendations to the Parish for the management of property, the campus, and facilities. This Committee evaluates the need for and recommends capital improvements. Its members also create contracts with outside companies and finds services to complete the projects the Committee recommends.
West Seneca Council of Churches Queen of Heaven belongs to the West Seneca Council of Churches, promoting the spirit of ecumenical and Christian unity in the community. Parish representatives plan joint events for spiritual welfare and enjoyment of all, as well as keeping our Parishioners informed of community happenings.
St. Vincent de Paul Society The purpose of the Queen of Heaven Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society is to assist any individual or family in need due to a temporary setback or more serious situation.Assistance is offered through food certificates or household furnishings. For the past 25 years, the members of this organization have done many different activities to assist the members of our community. Some activities include distributing Easter & Christmas plants to shut-ins, distributing day old baked goods from a local bakery several days a week to area soup kitchens, and assisting at these soup kitchens. Meetings are on the first and third Sundays of the month at 10:30 am in the Parish Hall.
New members willing to help are always welcome!
Email stvincentdepaul@qofhchurch.org with any questions.
Sodality of Blessed Virgin Mary The Ladies Sociality is open to female Parishioners age 18 and up, and is dedicated to promoting devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the spiritual welfare of our Parishioners. Additionally, Sodiality members provide hospitality with food and beverages for Parish events and receptions. Meetings are held monthly from September to May on the third Tuesday. Major fundraisers are held and include an annual "Calendar Luncheon" and the sale of gift certificates during the Christmas Holiday season. Money raised is generally used for the upkeep of the Church in its Mission.
Feel free to contact the Ladies Sodiality at sodality@qofhchurch.org.
MOMS Group Our MOMS Group offers an outlet for Moms to come together and share their experiences. Through activities and fellowship, the Moms of this group grow together in faith. Keep an eye in the bulletin for meeting updates or email: queenofheavenmoms@gmail.com.
Legion of Mary Legion of Mary members are lay men and women,18 years of age and older. The purpose of the Legion of Mary is to aid the Pastor by acting in a manner that is appropriate for the laity and the sanctification of its members through prayer and good works. Meetings are once a week. There are both active and auxiliary members.
For more information, contact legionofmary@qofhchurch.org.
Scouts BSA Our Parish is proud to sponsor the Scouts BSA and Cub Scout Pack. The mission of the Scouts BSA is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. Queen of Heaven's Cub Scout Pack 416 and Scout Troop 416 arc a youth ministry. Scouts learn and grow together with their peers and mentor leaders in a fun and exciting environment.
Contact the Scouts at: boyscouts@qofhchurch.org.
Girl Scouts In Girl Scouts, Brownies, and Daisies, girls discover the fun, friendship, and power of girls together. Through a myriad of enriching experiences, such as extraordinary field trips, sports skill-building clinics, community service projects, cultural exchanges, and environmental stewardships, girls grow courageous and strong.
Girl Scouting helps girls develop their full individual potential; relate to others with increasing understanding, skill, and respect; develop values to guide their actions and provide the foundation for sound decision-making; and contribute to the improvement of society through their abilities, leadership skills, and cooperation with others.
Email girlscouts@qofhchurch.org with questions.
Funeral Preparation Committee This Committee reaches out to and assists families and individuals who are mourning in preparing the Funeral Liturgy of their loved one. This involves assistance with choosing readings and music, as well as helping determine how family members can participate.
Grief Ministry The Grief Ministry reaches out to members of our Parish Community who are experiencing personal loss through death. This group provides comfort, support, and encouragement for persons who share the same life crisis. Trained volunteers, as well as the welcoming embrace of those who share the same difficult challenges, foster a renewed understanding of the presence of Christ, especially in our times of greatest need. The group meets as needed throughout the year. Please contact the Parish Rectory or consult the Parish Calendar for dates and times. In addition, once a year, in November, our Parish holds a Memorial Mass to honor the Parishioners whose Funeral Masses were celebrated at the Parish in the past year.
Catholic Faith Discussion Group
Parishioners come together twice a month to discuss various aspects of our Faith. Articles and books are reviewed and the group discusses why we Catholics believe what we do. The goal of the Group is to better live the Gospel in our daily lives by coming to understand Scripture, our Church, and its traditions. The gatherings are informal and relaxed, yet prayerful. Please feel free to contact catholicfaithstudy@qofhchurch.org with questions.
Prayer Group The Queen of Heaven Prayer Group has been an active part of the Spiritual Life of the Parish since 1975. The purpose of the Prayer Group is to praise God and to intercede for the needs of the Parish and those who ask the Group to remember their intentions. Meetings consist of praise, song, Scripture study, and intercessory prayer. The group meets in the basement of the Rectory on Mondays at 1 pm.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) This process welcomes individuals who feel a call from God to enter into full membership in the Catholic Church. Parishioners journey with the interested person as they grow in faith until the time comes when they receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and/ or Confirmation.
Pre-Baptism Program This program provides instruction to Parents regarding the Sacrament of Baptism and their responsibility to it. This is a mandatory session for Parents preparing for the Baptism of their child but it is open for all who wish to attend. It is offered during the first week of each month. Registration in advance is necessary and can be done by calling the Parish Rectory.