Corona FAQ

Are masks required?

            As of February 9, 2022, Bishop Michael Fisher has relaxed the mask requirement for those attending Mass. Masks are now optional. Masks may be worn at the discretion of the individual. Out of pastoral concern, the safety of others should always be considered when making this choice. Ministers of the Eucharist should continue to wear masks while distributing Communion.


Will there be an option to live stream Masses online?

            We do currently Live Stream every Mass via our Angelcam connection here on our website. We also stream a special multi-camera, more interactive version of Mass every Saturday at 4:00 pm on our Facebook Page! You do not need to be a member of Facebook to watch the Live Stream.


I still have my weekly envelope. What do I do with that?

              You may submit your weekly envelope via the mail or by dropping it off at the Parish Rectory.


Is the Parish Rectory still open?

               Yes, our Parish Rectory is still open for calls and for visits. We ask that as much business as possible be done over the phone or by dropping off an item in our drop box in the front door of the Rectory.


I have a question for the School or Faith Formation.

               Feel free to contact them for more information. Their information can be found on other portions of this website.